Sunday, May 17, 2009

Well What Do You Say to That?

On Sundays, I grab 25 mild catalogs (no vibes in them) and drive around, stopping at salons, pubs, etc. until they are gone.

Today, with only about 5 catalogs left, I pulled into Lords and Ladies Hair Salon. It was a typical city salon, with a group of about 7 women drinking coffee, gossiping and getting dyed. Typical, that is, until I looked closer and realized that 4 (possibly more) of the women were not...well, women.

Hey that's cool-I'm not mad at ya. But, at this point I had already told them that I was there to talk to them about Pure Romance. So, I needed to go through with my "30 second commercial." I think it may have been awkward to turn around and swiftly remove myself from the situation after I had already initiated conversation with these lovely ladies. So, I pretended I didn't notice that they were 6 feet tall with a 5 'o clock shadow.

I smiled and talked and left my information and got the hell out. Actually, one of the women (with a vagina) ended up being a pretty good party lead. I would love to know how hard they were laughing at after I left.