Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Vaginal and Clitoral Orgasms

The male orgasm is pretty straightforward – strength of orgasm may vary, but overall, everything is pretty much status quo in your man's pants.

As we know, women are more complex. We have a wide array of erogenous zones, including nipples, ears, feet, etc. Typically, however, the zones that produce the most O's are the vagina, the clitoris and the elusive G-Spot.

Here’s a little introduction to each of these pleasure zones:


  • Its only physical function is to provide sexual pleasure
  • Direct clitoral stimulation is is often less pleasurable than stimulation of the areas surrounding the clitoris
  • The clitoris extends about 5 inches inside the body
  • The clitoris packs about 8 to 12, 000 nerve endings, that's as much an the entire penis and testicles combined.
  • Most women claim that the clitoral orgasm is the most intense
  • In his book Sexual Behavior on the Human Female (1953), Charles Kinsey found that out of 2700 American women, half received orgasm through clitoral stimulation


  • Top one to three inches of the vagina is the most sensitive
  • Many women claim that it is more difficult to achieve a vaginal orgasm than a clitoral one.
  • Freud labeled this type of orgasm as the “mature” type, whereas the clitoral orgasm was an “immature” type of sexual experience (A General Introduction to Psychoanalysis, 1916)

It is important to note, however, that one type of orgasm is not better than the other – they are simply two different ways of experiencing pleasure.

Every woman has her own preference over which orgasm provides the best pleasure and an increasing number of women are learning to have both!

Tomorrow, we'll venture down the road to the holy grail-the G Spot Orgasm.